Monday 21 May 2007

Today, i met Jesus...

OK so it wasn't the actual Jesus, but he was pretty damn awesome. Every two weeks i am forced by the government to go to a chav infested building in order to sign my name on a piece of cardboard, then they give me moneys. So i assumed this time would be no different, i would mooch in, being careful not to make eye contact and trying to hide any valuables i happen to be carrying, i would sign my name, and scarper. However today was different, while waiting for my name to be called i noticed a man in full motorcycle leathers and a helmet pacing up and down muttering to him self. I was about to dismiss him as one of the usual crazy's you are bound to run into in this type of place, when he took his helmet off and 4 meters of scraggly unkempt hair fell out. Not only was his hair down to his knees, he had a beard you could lose a cat in and a hole where one of his eyes should have been. I was stunned, he looked like a pirate with a leather obsession. When one of the clerks sidled up to him with a piece of paper, he screamed something unintelligible at him, snatched the paper and stomped off.


Chris said...

How exactly does this person resemble jesus again?

Lemming said...

he gave me a general jesusy feeling...

Anonymous said...

If i had a hole in my eye, i would store cats in it

Lemming said...

its as good a place as any i can think of