Wednesday 31 October 2007

Everyone knows a few phobias, Arachnophobia - the fear of spiders, or Agoraphobia - the fear of open spaces, but im guessing not many of you have heard of Alektorophobia- the fear of chickens or Proctophobia- the fear of rectums. I feel compelled to sympathise with any Proctophobics out there, it can’t be a happy life, being constantly afraid of yours and everyone else's arsehole. Neither can the life of a Cathisophobic be very enjoyable, imagine being afraid of sitting down.

Where has all this phobia related nonsense come from I hear u cry? Well I was watching QI on "Dave", yes a TV channel called “Dave” is stupid and they should all have their testicles chewed on by rabid dogs for 3 hours. Anyway I was watching QI when Alan Davis mentioned a website called, my pc was close at hand and I proceeded to have a poke about. Some of them are just silly though, im not sure I know anyone who isn’t a Carcinophobic, that’s someone who's afraid of cancer btw, or an Agliophobic, someone who is afraid of pain.

A small prize will be awarded to the person who finds a phobia funnier than Arachibutyrophobia- Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth, and posts it in a comment, im not in any rush so the closing date is Christmas, when everyone will have forgotten.

Thursday 18 October 2007

The Orange Box

Okiedokie, brand new box of orange goodness = brand new post by lemming. I was going to write a rather long winded review about the orange box, going into detail about all the bits that make me cackle manically with pleasure. However it seems the nice Mr. Yahtzee from has already nailed the review which leaves me free to pick my nose and carefully sort what comes out by size, colour and squidgy goodness while you all watch the 2 minute video review below.

Click here if u want to see the rest of the reviews by Yahtzee, i particularly recommend the Halo3 review, which is bang on target.